ChessVariable is a website created by me for the purpose of automatic money transaction management for chess tournaments hosted by lichess.
Problem definition
Lichess is a well-known website among chess players, in which players can play chess friendly or in tournaments. However, Lichess does not provide a money transaction and tournament management system, making it on-handy, especially for tournament organizers to establish and manage tournaments.
What we did
In this regard, we analyzed the requirements that Iranian chess tournament organizers and players are faced in Lichess tournaments and proposed a website named ChessVariable specifically for the Iranian chess community. ChessVariable internally uses Lichess APIs and Iranian banks APIs, but this website is not a simple APIs consumer. It provides a wallet, magical codes and many other facilities to fulfil the needs of the chess community in an integrated environment. In ChessVariable, people can create a Lichess tournament, specify rules, admission fees and awards, monitor the tournament, etc., with an automatic money transaction system.
Application Language(s): Persian
Programming Languages and Technologies: C#, Microsoft SQL Server, ASP.NET CORE, Redis, Javascript, Html5, CSS3
Member(s): Taha Rostami